Farm Fishing Fail!
>> Thursday, December 3, 2009
I technically can't call myself a vegan. Though I don't partake in meats, honey, eggs, butter, or dairy, I do eat fish on occasion with a nip of seafood here and there. I've got my own resons for this, and am open for discussion of course :).
However, I do realize the negative impact farm fishing has on the environment and try not to consume seafood from these sources. This is a repost from's blog. I love that the solution is very similar to what happens in many aspects of our existence. Killing all to get some of the bad is a tying theme in movies, politics (think Hiroshima), and even medicine (think chemotherapy). While it's not the SAME thing, this attitude of "I say we take off and nuke the entire site from orbit. It's the only way to be sure." attitude is frightening!
Invasive Asian carp have escaped southern fish farms and are making their way up the Mississippi to the Great Lakes. They eat 40% of their body weight in plankton, which is the same stuff native species of fish eat. So, in theory, the fish native to the Great Lakes could potentially be starved out.
Man-made problem with no practical solution. Environmentalists are concerned with ecological disaster that will result, fisherman are worried about their $7 billion dollar a year industry, and businesses and government are worried about disrupting commerce if the Mississippi/Great Lakes shipping channel is closed to keep the carp out.
I’m a vegan, so I couldn’t care less about the loss of “fishing industry,” which, besides killing animals, is killing the rest of the planet as well. But yet another ecological disaster is not something we need. And transportation issues are a bear to resolve- especially in the U.S. where public transportation is stigmatized and severely underfunded- even though the public and the government know it’s the only solution to the crises of emissions, overcrowding of roadways, and wild habitat destruction. The most practical solution is to close the locks that connect the two waterways. Transportation would be disrupted. Goods would have to be re-routed over land. This requires more trucks on the road and/or trains (and the accompanying tracks if none exist). That’s more roadway crowding, more emissions, and more wild animals killed.
You see where this is going. Somebody is going to think up something drastic. Probably something insane.
The Army Corps of Engineers refuses to close the locks. They “would not close the locks without first studying the possible effects.” Wonder how long that study will take? Let’s hope nothing catastrophic happens while they’re studying.
In response to the Corps’s refusal, this is what “the authorities” have chosen to do:
In the continuing struggle to keep the fish out, Illinois environmental officials planned to dump poison Wednesday night in a nearly six-mile stretch of the Chicago Sanitary and Ship Canal near Lockport to kill off the carp while the electrical barrier is turned off for maintenance. Crews planned to use large cranes with nets to scoop up an estimated 200,000 pounds of dead fish, which will be taken to a landfill.
Man made problem, man made solution. They plan to dump poison in the water. Besides being absolutely heinous, the solution will cause more problems to be solved, yet again, by man. And invariably, ultimately, it’s the animals who do the suffering, are displaced, and are killed. The poison they dump in the waterway will kill every fish in the water, not just the carps, and any other animal in the water. And that includes human animals. The Great Lakes are a source of drinking water for nearly 40 million people. Tonight, the government of Illinois will dump poison in the drinking water of 40 million people to “avert an ecological disaster” and “protect a fishing industry” because the government of the U.S. won’t close shipping locks.
Just another fine example of the genius of civilization.
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