Amazing weekend!
>> Sunday, January 24, 2010
I hope that you all had the lovliest of weekends! I did definitely!
Friday night started out with Indian food. Evan could not believe that me, foodie me, didn't like Indian food when I first tried it. "Meh." I said... Meh indeed! I think the reason is that I expected it to taste a certain way, and it didn't. Ah expectations, they really can mess everything up. It's like when you think you're drinking really bad coffee, only to realize that you are really drinking very good hot chocolate!
In any case, I LOVE Indian food now. LOVE IT. I have cravings for it way too often. And the people at India Sweets & Spices are so amazing to veggies of all kinds. Not only to they help you with correct pronunciation, but they patiently answer all your questions about ingredients and suggest things for you to try.
After grabbing some awesome basmati, curry, dosas, samosas, and chutney, we booked it over to the RedHouse for friends and fun. Andrew was making enchiladas with fresh tomatillos... lordy, I had a bit and it was delish.
We rounded out the night with a little bit of nostalgia in the form of Michael Jackson "Moonwalker". Does anybody else remember this??? Duuuuuude. My brother and I used to watch this over and over and over and over. I still remember the time my mom caught me doing Michael Jackson dance moves in the shower (I was making a lot of noise and she thought I was hurt). We had several Moonwalker virgins, it was a whole HEAPING steaming ton of fun. Plus, we all sang along, makes it so much better.
Saturday started out early with hula, as it always does. After that I enjoyed some Starbucks lattes in bed with Evan, and was so happy to see that they have multi-grain bagels! YUM!
After taking care of some errands including pho and cupcakes, we popped off to his school to get some stuff ready for his class on Monday. It's so strange going into an elementary school as an adult! I love though that it's large with bright colors, and Evan decorated his room with lots of dinosaur figurines. As far as I'm concered, no other decorations are needed than those.

Both of us needed to get to the Container Store, so we went to Old Town Pasadena and rewalked the streets we so often frequented during our time in college. Ev got some great stuff, but I only found a small snack bag that is good for work, though I was originally looking for pantry expansion, shelving, and dish racks. Ah well, I guess the extra money I would have spend there will come in handy for something.
Pasadena seems to leech everything from us (especially when we lived there), and Sat was no exception. Sure enough when we got back to the car, we noticed that Ev's magnetic band-aid covering his unfortunate 3-day-old-brand-new-car-got-rear-ended dent had been STOLEN!!!! We figured it would happen one day, but considering it's been on his car since Xmas and we have only gone to Pas this 1 time, we didn't think it would be so soon. Damn you PASADENA!!!!!! *shakes fist* So far on the Pasadena Stolen List: 4 bikes, 1 car stero (ripped out of Ev's old car), 2 sawhorses, large collection of Magic: The Gathering Cards (seriously wanted to cry), and 1 Band-Aid sticker. *shakes head*
Saturday night rounded out with some Eternal Darkness, a game that Evan and I have bonded over. I'll do a review of this game soon, but damn, it's scary, clever, and fun!
Sunday started off with a trip to the Atwater Farmer's Market where I got some great eats. The sun was shining, it was beautiful, and I was having a great morning. The roma tomatoes were so luscious, I had to eat one in the car on the way home. Then some more errands including a frustrating trip to Target. Hmm, dish rack, not found in "Kitchen". Not found in "Home Storage". Not found in "Housewares"... Where found? Oh yeah, by the friggen Tupperware in the grocery section next to the apples. YEAH, THAT MAKES SENSE... Dear Target: Can I please have back the 45 minutes I spent walking around and getting bad help from TWO employees? Kthxbai
After that I decided to kill myself by joining Veeence for a bike ride. An 11.2 mile, 3 inclines, but-and-crotch-hurting, sweaty bike ride from my houe to Universal Citywalk and back. BTW Universal Citywalk is effing insane. There's way to much stimulation there, although I did consider buying a $6 giant gummybear at one point. With some Jamba in me, I did the last leg back pretty well, and learned all about pacing.

Sunday was left to more errands, grocery shopping for grains, nuts, tofu; all the things I can't get at my farmer's market and meal planning. Phew, what a weekend! I felt really great though, mentally and physically rested and pleasingly stretched.
Looking forward to Monday. Kind of. Can't great weekends just last forever? Please? :)
re: Moonwalker - "huthuthuthuthuthuthuthuthut..."
hehehehe, totally
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